Peanut Allergy Treatment Update
Bo's Peanut Allergy Treatment Over 3 Peanuts!

Comments to FDA Due Now For "May Contain" Labeling

Thanks to one of our alert readers, Colleen, for a tip that Wed. January 14 is the deadline to submit your comments to The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding "May Contain" labeling using the link below. The FDA has begun to develop a long-term strategy to help food product manufacturers use these statements in a clear and consistent manner, so that consumers with food allergies and their caregivers can be adequately informed as to the potential presence of major food allergens, such as, peanut, tree nut, milk, egg, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat.

The FDA is also interested in receiving comments about whether consumers find advisory labeling helpful for making food purchasing decisions.

So we are asking all families affected by food allergies to submit your brief comments to the FDA by January 14 to help shape their "May Contain" food allergen labeling policy.

Peanut Allergy Treatment Update

Bo is doing great with his peanut allergy treatment for the desensitization study at Children's Hospital in Little Rock. His daily dose of peanut flour is now about 3 peanuts!

We are also proud that Bo continues to earn straight A's on his report cards despite missing two Monday's of school per month for the past two years! (Our secret is making sure he does his homework between watching Star Wars, Indiana Jones and LSU football season review DVDs during the 14 hour round trips in the car to Little Rock and back to south Louisiana.)


Bo's Parents



I am agree with that,so that consumer will know if the specific product contains elements that can cause allergy.


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