USA TODAY Article Has Bo's Peanut Allergy Update
April 21, 2009
A new USA TODAY article entitled "New strategies help build immunity against food allergies" includes quotes from Bo's mom Betsy and provides an update on his peanut allergy desensitization treatment noting that "He's now consuming a daily dose of peanut flour equivalent to 15 peanuts. On May 4, he'll be 'converted' from peanut flour to real food containing peanuts."
The article covers the success of several emerging food allergy treatments including: oral immunotherapy, sublingual therapy, and food allergy herbal therapy-2 (known as FAHF-2). We want to personally thank USA TODAY Medical Reporter Rita Rubin for her tireless research that resulted in one of the most thorough and accurate articles about these emerging food allergy treatments that we have seen and yet it's still easy to read.
USA TODAY article "New strategies help build immunity against food allergies" by Medical Reporter Rita Rubin.
YouTube Video: Coping With Food Allergy
We received a request on behalf of Johnson and Johnson to make people aware that they have a Health Channel on YouTube and one of their videos is about parents of children with food allergies, and an allergy specialist discussing coping strategies. The video can be viewed using this link:
As always, we want to thank our readers for all their prayers, great comments and e-mails.
Bo's Parents
Wow, that's nice. keep it up and have faith. I hope Bo will get well soon.
Posted by: allergy doctor | August 23, 2009 at 01:38 PM